Superfoods shouldn’t be confused with the magical foods they’re sometimes marketed as. You know, the ones that people claim will somehow melt the fat right off your body.

But, they are called superfoods for a reason. They’re incredibly healthy in many ways, and they can be a contributing factor to healthy weight loss.
That’s why several superfoods, like turmeric and acai berries, are turned into powders that you can sprinkle on food or mix into your favorite smoothie.
A powdered food can give you the same benefits of eating the food naturally but provides a lot more variety in how you choose to eat it.
According to Healthline, the antioxidant levels of superfoods is one of the biggest benefits. They boost the immune system, fight inflammation, and keep our bodies functioning the way they’re intended.
Turn these superfoods into a powder form, and you suddenly have a convenient way to include them in every meal for more successful weight loss.
1 . Acai Berries
Acai berries come from acai palm trees found in tropical areas of South and Central America.
They have a high number of antioxidants that can promote weight loss and slow down aging, which is why many cosmetic brands have started using them in makeup products.
These fruits are also heart-healthy, lowering cholesterol and increasing metabolism to help keep extra weight off.
Acai berries have a taste like other berries, like raspberries or blueberries, blended with chocolate, so it’s a great enhancer for smoothies, cereals, oatmeal, and yogurt.
This video from Simply Quinoa has three excellent vegan recipes in which you can use your acai berry powder.
We recommend Terrasoul Acai Powder because it’s raw and certified organic!
Chia Seeds
Chia seeds are already tiny, but they’re still made into a powder to allow a seamless incorporation into smoothies and foods. They’re grown in Mexico and ancient folklore talks of people using them to enhance energy.
According to Megan Ware RDN LD, chia seeds contain powerful antioxidants that raise HDL cholesterol.
Not all cholesterol is bad. HDL is a heart-healthy cholesterol that can prevent stroke and heart attacks.
Chia seeds also are high in fiber, which helps you feel fuller after eating and prevents you from indulging. Plus, it slows sugar absorption in your blood to help your body fight the bulge.
You can get it in powder form or seed form.
Bee Pollen
Bee pollen has, unfortunately, received a bad rap when health food companies began marketing it as a trendy miracle fat burner. But, there are some real benefits to bee pollen when it comes to weight loss.
Although it’s intended as food for young bees, bee pollen also contains just about every nutrient the human body needs, according to Mercola.
Bee pollen adds extra protein to your system to stimulate weight loss by building muscle and increasing energy. You can add it to smoothies or to salads or an extra ‘crunch.’
But, if you’re allergic to pollen, you may want to try a different powder!
We recommend Greenbow Organic Bee Pollen.
Turmeric plants are a bit strange, with oddly-shaped root vegetables that have incredible healing properties. Some cultures use turmeric powder in medicines, as they revere it as being more successful than medication for treating certain ailments.
Turmeric powder can decrease free radicals in the body, which can alter our body processes in unhealthy ways. Metabolism can be affected, which can significantly impact weight loss.
Turmeric is already used as a healthy spice, especially in Indian dishes, so it’s a perfect option to add to meals for a little extra flavor and healthy antioxidants.
You can consume turmeric in powder form or in capsules.
Wheat Grass
You can add wheat grass powder to smoothies or shakes to reap its significant benefits for weight loss.
Wheat grass has properties that can suppress your appetite, so you don’t overeat. When added to your food or powder, it can help signal to your brain that you’re full so you don’t eat more than you need.
According to Rajesh Mujoriya and Dr. Ramesh Babu Bodla, wheat grass improves digestion and eliminates toxins from the body naturally, which can prevent the buildup of fats and sugars in the body.
We recommend Amazing Grass Organic Wheat Grass Powder.
Mixed Greens
You probably have seen a lot of claims for benefits of “super greens” and weight loss. There are tons of green powders plastered all over the internet.
But, powdered super greens, like kale, spinach, and romaine lettuce, can help you digest food faster, provide plenty of fiber, and contain powerful antioxidants.
Livestrong adds that the phytonutrients in super greens are especially beneficial. Phytonutrients can promote better overall health and energy and boost the immune system, keeping your body in optimal health for fighting fat.
Amazing Grass great, because they have differing green superfood powders that provide you a variety of nutrients and allow you to mix up flavors: Antioxidant Blend, Alkalize and Detox Blend, Regular Green Blend, Immunity,Multivitamin, Energy, and more!
Good news: the same powder that produces chocolate can also aid weight loss!
According to Eat This, Not That!, chocolate with at least 70% real cocoa means that it’s minimally processed – and very good for you.
Cacao powder can decrease your cravings, suppress appetite, reduce inflammation, lower stress, and fightstubborn fat.
Plus, it tastes great and can help keep your sweet cravings at bay. So, don’t feel bad about adding cocoa powder to some almond milk to indulge in a glass of healthy ‘chocolate’ milk.
Viva Naturals Cacao Powder is certified organic and tastes delicious!
Yacon powder is somewhat newer on the scene of powders beneficial to weight loss. The plant grows in South America and produces a syrup that resembles your favorite maple syrup.
The root is what turns to powder, and it contains soluble fiber that helps you feel full.
Although Yacon won’t make the pounds melt away, it can help you lose weight by suppressing your appetite, so you eat less. One study showed that women who added three or four tablespoons of yacon powder to their food each day lost an average of 33 pounds over four months.
Maca, a plant grown in the Andean Mountain region, is highly known for its beneficial properties for those suffering from fertility issues.
But, it’s also a natural energy booster, which can help you lose weight by keeping your energy at a level that makes you motivated to stick to an exercise routine.
According to the American College of Healthcare Sciences, maca also can steady hormone imbalances that inhibit a healthy metabolism, especially in menopausal women.
Viva Naturals Maca Powder is one of the best brands out there.
When you hear baobab, you likely think of the strangely-shaped trees in Africa of the same name. But, there’s also a baobab fruit that grows on the baobab tree.
This fruit, according to Huffington Post, has some of the highest concentrations of antioxidants out of any food in the world. Its antioxidants can reduce free radicals in the body to keep your systems working well together.
Additionally, baobab increases iron in the body. Decreased iron can severely inhibit weight loss by lowering your energy and slowing down metabolism.
Baobab has a somewhat sour, fruity flavor, so its powder is perfect for healthy juices, smoothies, shakes, and citrusy sauces.
MRM Organic Baobob Powder is a great brand at a great price!
Other notable superfood powders that can aid in weight loss:
