I'm a Trainer, and This Is How Often You Should Work Out If You Want to Lose Belly Fat
All Credits Go To : Tamara Pridgett
No matter how many ab workouts you do, they won't help you reduce belly fat. Instead of focusing on spot reduction — targeting one specific area on your body — you've got to train your entire body, fuel up with nutritious foods, and make sure that you're recovering (nope, all-nighters won't help) to lose fat in general. And losing body fat all over means you will be losing some on your belly as well.
If you aren't sure how often you should be training, or what exactly you should be doing once you're at the gym to get reduce body fat, here's what I recommend.
How Often You Need to Work Out to Lose Belly Fat
What Style of Training You Should Do to Lose Belly Fat
What to Eat to Lose Belly Fat
Exercise is just one part of the fat-loss equation, and if you're diet isn't up to par, you may not get the results you're after. A simple lifestyle change I always share with clients is drink more water and stay hydrated. The next thing I tell them to focus on is eating whole, minimally processed foods. I also recommend cutting out alcohol. It doesn't have to be permanent, but it can help speed up the fat-loss process.
Eating in a calorie deficit may work for some, but according to Brittany Linn, RD, CDN, clinical nutrition coordinator at Mount Sinai Hospital, "Many times, women are way too restrictive with their calorie intake." There isn't a universal amount of calories you should consume per day, but this formula can help you determine how many calories you need in a day. I also recommend speaking with a registered dietitian who can give you more individualized nutritional advice.
If you're wondering if there's a set list of foods to eat to lose fat, there isn't. Instead, most experts recommend consuming foods that are high in fiber like lentils, kale, and sweet potatoes to help you stay full longer. You should also try to consume no more than 25 grams of sugar a day, and cut back on refined grains like white bread, since they can affect your insulin levels and cause weight gain.
As you can tell, losing body fat is complex and won't happen overnight. But if you're consistent and patient, you will begin to see results. If you're motivated to start strength training tomorrow, get started with this four-week plan for beginners.