Jillian Michaels: Weight-Loss Tips That Work

1. Swear off fad diets
You know the kind, says Jillian: "Everyone's like: 'Give up carbs!' 'Give up fat!' 'Wait, no, now I'm taking pills!' None of them is manageable long-term—and they wreak havoc with your metabolism! Because you're either starving yourself or you're cutting out a major food group. Then you go back into the weight-gain mode, but it's even worse because your body has adjusted to all that crazy fad crap."
2. Become an 80/20 eater
"Make 80 percent of the food you eat healthily and take 20 percent of your daily calories and make them fun." Otherwise, Jillian says, you'll feel deprived—and more tempted to go off the deep end.
3. Speak in positives
"When you tell yourself what you 'have to' do or what you 'can't' do, the deprivation language makes you rebel. But if you say, 'I'm not going to have that—I won't' it's a choice and you're in control."
4. Get your sleep
"Sleep is a cornerstone of weight management because of the impact it has on your hormones that control how you burn fat, how you store fat, and how you're maintaining muscle. The better your hormone balance, the better your weight management. I work my butt off to get eight hours a night, but right now I'm at six—the show is murdering me! Even if I go to bed early my son wakes up."
5. Diversify your workout
"When you work multiple muscles at the same time, you're getting your cardiovascular exercise in while you strength-train. You're not only saving time, but you're burning more calories while you're doing it."
6. Order wisely at restaurants
"Order without looking at the menu. Almost every restaurant has the basics—veggies, grains, and protein. If you go in knowing what you want, I guarantee you'll be able to make a meal. If you're too uncomfortable to ask for what you need, tell a white lie: Say you're allergic. I know it's controversial to suggest this, but women in particular can really have trouble standing up for their own needs. So if you want the broccoli soup puréed without cream, tell the waiter you're lactose intolerant."
7. Scout out lunch spots near the office
"Make a 'slim lunch options' book of all the takeout places in your area where you know there'll be healthy things to eat. When I used to have an office job I'd think, OK, there's the Italian place, but I can get the antipasto salad with light cheese, no salami, dressing on the side."
8. Travel with snacks
"Pack small meals you can make in a hotel room. I bring oatmeal packets like Nature's Path Hemp Plus, because you can make it with a coffeemaker, and snacks like a bag of almonds, a 22 Days vegan hemp protein bar, or Justin's peanut butter or almond butter in packets."
9. Fill up before parties
"Eat a filling, healthy snack before you leave home. And take a healthy dish so it's like you're contributing, but you've also covered your ass with something you can eat!"
10. Eat citrus every day
"Vitamin C inhibits the production of cortisol, a hormone that essentially tells your body, 'Store fat.' Eat grapefruit slices with breakfast."